The Importance of a Thorough Final Walkthrough When Moving into Your New Home

Imagine the excitement when you’re on the verge of getting the keys to your new place. You can practically taste the possibilities and envision how you’ll transform this space into your dream home. But, before you start picturing your new furniture and decor, there’s a crucial step you must take: the final walkthrough. This seemingly mundane task is often overlooked in the whirlwind of moving, but trust us, it’s critically important. A careless or rushed final walkthrough can lead to unexpected expenses down the road, potentially causing those extra funds you were saving for decorating to slip through your fingers. In this blog post, I’ll give you a final walkthrough checklist and a downloadable checklist that you can print today to best prep you for that final walkthrough! 

  • All of the agreed upon repairs have been completed 
  • Associated Papwerwork (paid invoices/receipts) have been submitted 
  • Home is clean and seller’s items have been removed
  • No signs of new damage (water/leak, stains, etc) 
  • All light fixtures, ceiling fans and outlets work 
  • All water faucets are working as they should (water pressure, cold/hot) 
  • No leaks under sinks 
  • Toilets are flushing


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